So for the past three weeks I had not felt well at all. I had severe back pain which I contribute to sciaticaand hormones. After, going to two doctors one being a muscular specialist the best answer I got was take this pain killer and it is because of pregnancy. Needless to say I was miserable. Ben and I had been praying about it for a long time finally on Sunday God answered our prayers and my debilitating severe back pain went away. I still have aches and pains but nothing as intense. Also last week I got an abscess tooth so I went the dentist they gave me some medicine and tomorrow I have to get root canal done. I worry about the antibiotics and pain medicines I was taking hurting the baby but the doctor reassures me it is baby safe. Please pray my baby is okay.
School started two weeks ago and I am now teaching sixth graders. I like them a lot more than eighth graders. They make me laugh nearly everyday. A couple funny stories....
#1) I was absent one day last week going to the dentist and the kids took upon themselves to feed my fifteen fish in the fish tank. Well since I teach six different classes they got fed six different times. Let's just say they got overfed plus the automatic feeder them . So the next day I went back to school and 3 fish had died. I told a little boy in my class to get a net and go take he fish the big ocean. After school the janitor came to tell me he found three fish in the boys urinal.
#2) A little boy came in on Friday all excited carrying a small wrapped cardboard box in his hand. He came to me explained to me it was a World Series Cardinals baseball ring because his dad and him had been the Cardinals game the previous night. He then asked if he could show everyone not having enough time I told him to wait till he came back to study hall at the end of the day and to put it in his locker. Around lunch time I went out in the hall and I noticed the tallest sixth grader holding a sign and patrolling back in forth in front of this little boys locker. When I questioned the little boy what the other boy was doing he said he was his body guard and he was keeping an eye on his ring. He was holding a sing that read, "No treeassing" I laughed forever and then took the time to teach them how to spell trespassing.
#3) A little girl also told me that she had something to show the class wanting to be fair in letting kids show things I agreed and said, "Okay quickly." She then got up in the front of the room and started dancing and singing the most hideous song I have ever heard. The lyrics were, "I like my hair, You like my hair, My hair is rare, I take good care.... of my hair." All while flipping her hair and her hips. She also had another little boy in the class as back up singing " Ohhhhh Awww" Afterwords she said, " I made the song up on my own as if I we could not tell. I just wanted it to end.
6 months ago
Wow! Those stories are really funny! I feel so bad for you having to deal with that kind of back pain and getting a root canal while you're pregnant. Maybe your baby was laying weird and that's why it hurt your back. He probably moved to a more comfortable position. I swear this baby lays differently than Alex did. She's always kicking me in my pelvis. Really uncomfortable!
I'm glad you're feeling better! Man, what a pregnancy already, horrible back pain and a root canal. Hope the rest of your time goes more smoothly!
Those were hilarious stories!!!
So what grade was the girl in? Your stories made my tiring day. Hope you continue feeling better.
Wow, I didn't even know that sciaticaand hormones existed, let alone that they're the cause of some backpain!
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