Saturday, December 27, 2008

Jonas can smile! :)

Jonas learned how to smile without it just being a reflex. We say smile and most of the time he does.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More cute pictures of the little one

So he is doing better and sleeping more he actually only gets up two times a night and I am grateful. It is pretty routine now and we are enjoying our time together as long as we are not sleep deprived. Anyhow, I am excited about this weekend and and my birthday. We actually have grandma babysitting one evening so we can go ice skating together it should be fun! :) Although, I'll miss the little munchkin.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

More Baby Pictures

Baby Pictures

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Baby

So I tried to post yesterday but a good example of what happens when you have a two week old is all that I mustered up writing. I wrote the and then was trapped for the next 3 hours of feeding, rocking, and diaper changing. So anyhow I finally had my baby on November 18th, 2008. He was a healthy baby boy we named him Jonas Elwood Fisher . He was 5lbs and 6 oz and was 18.5 inches long. He is now over 6 lbs so he is putting on wait quickly. I was going to write about the whole traumatic experience of having preclampsia and having to be induced but now I am too tired too. I am just thankful we are both alive becuase on Thursday of that week the doctor said if we had waited any longer to come to the doctor we would probably not be here, seeing that the only cure is to deliver the baby. All in all things are well. I am thinking about for my birthday asking Ben for one whole night of sleep. Funny how things change in just a few weeks. Here are some pictures of the little one.