Friday, January 29, 2010

Blizzard ?

It has been snowing here since 6 am this morning and it is the heavy falling snow. The meteorologist said that we could get up to 7-10 inches of snow, that would be interesting. Anyhow, I finally got around to changing my blog today I have been wanting to for awhile but could never find the time. It was a bit more complicated than I thought but since I am familiar a little with HTML it went okay. I am still babysitting the four year old little girl and staying at home with Jonas, it is days like today I wish I was still teaching to get a snow day and not have to work. When is the snow day for a stay at home mom? I am also about 20 weeks pregnant and I am still awaiting to feel the baby kick, evidently I have an anterior placenta so they said feeling the baby kick may take longer than expected.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

So as I sit hear typing I am anxiously awaiting Ben to come back from KS, he had to be in a friends wedding. Since Jonas can't sit still for longer than five minutes and I get car sick because of pregnancy we opted out this trip. It was not an easy choice, go to a wedding or stay at home all weekend and take care of an one year old. Although I think that Jonas and I are better for it I still feel alone and can't wait for him to return. Anyhow, the newest news is that Jonas can walk now, he just started one day trying and in an hours time he was almost running. I was so impressed but I have to admit it has led to more work for me. Other than can't think of much else.