Saturday, December 27, 2008

Jonas can smile! :)

Jonas learned how to smile without it just being a reflex. We say smile and most of the time he does.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More cute pictures of the little one

So he is doing better and sleeping more he actually only gets up two times a night and I am grateful. It is pretty routine now and we are enjoying our time together as long as we are not sleep deprived. Anyhow, I am excited about this weekend and and my birthday. We actually have grandma babysitting one evening so we can go ice skating together it should be fun! :) Although, I'll miss the little munchkin.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

More Baby Pictures

Baby Pictures

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Baby

So I tried to post yesterday but a good example of what happens when you have a two week old is all that I mustered up writing. I wrote the and then was trapped for the next 3 hours of feeding, rocking, and diaper changing. So anyhow I finally had my baby on November 18th, 2008. He was a healthy baby boy we named him Jonas Elwood Fisher . He was 5lbs and 6 oz and was 18.5 inches long. He is now over 6 lbs so he is putting on wait quickly. I was going to write about the whole traumatic experience of having preclampsia and having to be induced but now I am too tired too. I am just thankful we are both alive becuase on Thursday of that week the doctor said if we had waited any longer to come to the doctor we would probably not be here, seeing that the only cure is to deliver the baby. All in all things are well. I am thinking about for my birthday asking Ben for one whole night of sleep. Funny how things change in just a few weeks. Here are some pictures of the little one.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Awaiting the Baby

I can't wait to have our baby and I hope it happens soon. Ben and I have been taking the childbirth classes from the hospital for the last few weeks. I am glad to say Ben is no longer as nieve as he once was. Here are some updated pregnancy photos. The cake in the background of the picture was actually diapers and socks used as decorations for the baby. I did not even notice at first that it was not edible.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So I have been busy with teaching and getting the babies room ready and preparing for our new little one. All these things seem to make me extremely busy and the extra time I have I use for sleep. I guess I will include a funny video from Silver Dollar City when we went a couple weekends ago with our friends.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Root Canal Misery

So I finally went and got my root canal done only to be told I actually needed two instead of one. The second one hurt a lot worse then the first but thankfully today my gums are only a little sore from it all. My legs are tired from teaching all day though. I can't wait till November and staying home for a little while after the baby is born.

The picture to the side is a picture Ben took while we were flying the rest of the pictures are just random pictures we have taken.

Good news:

Ben was always too cheap to let us buy cable for our TV but because our TV is really old we had to buy a digital converter box and now instead of getting two fuzzy channels we actually are able to get 10 crystal clear channels. A small visctory for me and I told Ben it was like staying at a hotel with free cable. I was very excited about the improvement.

Monday, August 25, 2008

School Year

So for the past three weeks I had not felt well at all. I had severe back pain which I contribute to sciaticaand hormones. After, going to two doctors one being a muscular specialist the best answer I got was take this pain killer and it is because of pregnancy. Needless to say I was miserable. Ben and I had been praying about it for a long time finally on Sunday God answered our prayers and my debilitating severe back pain went away. I still have aches and pains but nothing as intense. Also last week I got an abscess tooth so I went the dentist they gave me some medicine and tomorrow I have to get root canal done. I worry about the antibiotics and pain medicines I was taking hurting the baby but the doctor reassures me it is baby safe. Please pray my baby is okay.

School started two weeks ago and I am now teaching sixth graders. I like them a lot more than eighth graders. They make me laugh nearly everyday. A couple funny stories....

#1) I was absent one day last week going to the dentist and the kids took upon themselves to feed my fifteen fish in the fish tank. Well since I teach six different classes they got fed six different times. Let's just say they got overfed plus the automatic feeder them . So the next day I went back to school and 3 fish had died. I told a little boy in my class to get a net and go take he fish the big ocean. After school the janitor came to tell me he found three fish in the boys urinal.

#2) A little boy came in on Friday all excited carrying a small wrapped cardboard box in his hand. He came to me explained to me it was a World Series Cardinals baseball ring because his dad and him had been the Cardinals game the previous night. He then asked if he could show everyone not having enough time I told him to wait till he came back to study hall at the end of the day and to put it in his locker. Around lunch time I went out in the hall and I noticed the tallest sixth grader holding a sign and patrolling back in forth in front of this little boys locker. When I questioned the little boy what the other boy was doing he said he was his body guard and he was keeping an eye on his ring. He was holding a sing that read, "No treeassing" I laughed forever and then took the time to teach them how to spell trespassing.

#3) A little girl also told me that she had something to show the class wanting to be fair in letting kids show things I agreed and said, "Okay quickly." She then got up in the front of the room and started dancing and singing the most hideous song I have ever heard. The lyrics were, "I like my hair, You like my hair, My hair is rare, I take good care.... of my hair." All while flipping her hair and her hips. She also had another little boy in the class as back up singing " Ohhhhh Awww" Afterwords she said, " I made the song up on my own as if I we could not tell. I just wanted it to end.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


So I meant to write on this last week but about two weeks ago I woke up on a Sunday morning and realized I had intensed rib and back pain. I could hardly walk or stand for about a week. So I went to the doctor this past Monday and got a couple cortosine shots to help with the rib pain. I was hoping that would eliminate the pain. Although it did not eliminate it completely it helped descreased it slightly. So looks like I will be back at the doctor again this week for the same reason. Although, my doctor keeps telling me it is just because my ligaments are stretching and that can inflame your ribs I am just worried because several other people have told me they did not have any pain like this during pregnancy.
On another note school started this past Thursday on the seventh so although we have just meting until this Thursday when the kids come it has kept me busy . If you have any helpful tips about my rib pain please let me know .

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tornado of Activity

So I don't think that I will ever post that my life is slow on this blog again. A few weeks after doing so things are in full swing actually double swing. For instance today we had to go to a fly in so we flew to Arkansas then came back and delivered a futon to a friend's in AR. Then came back again and babysat for a couple at church all evening until 10pm. We were late to everything we went to today because we had to rush from one thing to the next. I really want to post pictures of my classroom at school on here and of our baby room ( just to so you how busy we have been) it is like a pile of baby chaos. All has been given to us so praise the Lord for that. Anyhow, I think I now have more baby toys than a boy could play with in a lifetime. We have actually been given two of everything, it is simply amazing to be able to give away a crib to a friend because you have too many. Well, anyhow I am getting tired so I will wait probably till late next week to post pictures because that is the next free time I will have with Masters Class, Church, and school starting plus doctor viists ect...

Friday, July 18, 2008


So yesterday I received a letter in the mail it simply said school will be starting on August 7th. I began to panic, it seems that every year school starts earlier and earlier. Anyhow, I began to become stressed thinking of all the things we have left to do. I still want to get the baby room ready before school starts, go to my sisters and pick up the baby furniture, organize my classroom, and finish lesson plans, plus finish my Masters Course I am taking this summer. With all these things swarming through my head and pregnancy I about had a nervous break down. Ben was nice about it and said, "Not to worry that he would help as much as he could." Ben and I had orignially planned to go camp next week to help out. I would love to do that but worry that maybe that is not wise right now with all the other things we have left to do. Well I still have one more day to decide, nothing like putting off a decision till the last minute. So I guess those are the things that are happening for me.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Eden, sorry I have not posted and been faithful on this blog thing. Actually since Sunday Ben and I went on a camping trip to Roaring River State Park for our second year anniversary. It was pretty fun. The air mattress and large tent were both plusses. We went swimming, camping , hiking, and fly fishing. Between both of us we caught one fish after eight hours of fishing. The sad thing is you can see the fish swim by and we still could not catch any. It was pretty enjoyable but I am glad to be at home in air conditioning, refrigerator, and stove. I am debating about going out to camp next week to help out Ben could come with me as welll. I just don't know if I am up to the seven hour car trip it was hard on me earlier this summer. I have included pictures of the fish we could not find.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Last Comic Standing

So tonight Ben and I were watching "Last Comic Standing", and I actually thought of a couple of funny lines along with a funny story. So here goes, Ben has begged me not to post these arguing that they are not funny adn he will suffer total humiliation from his peers. I say, "what peers?"

So funny line

#1- My husband is such a good pilot he taught Tom Cruise how to fly. ( Jenny that one was for you)

#2 My family was so big that if you tripped going to the dinner table you might as well not even have come.

#3- My family was so poor that when it snowed you were just given bread sacks and rubber bands.

Okay here for the funny story the other night Ben and I went on a walk down to the lake about 800 meters from our house and back . Anyhow, when we got back I was full of energy which is uncommon so I told Ben I should do the stretches in the "What to Expect While You Are Expecting Book" The funny thing was I asked Ben to do them with me and he did . Posted above are pictures of the stretches.
So while posting these pictures Ben said , "That is not your profile picture." I said, " No joke!"


So I just realized that I am not technological savvy enough like Eden to figure out how to actually get my pictures to save to my current blog so they are at the bottom. Also as a FYI these pictures are from last winter when I watched them that is what I look different in so many of them and not really pregnant.


So after posting yesterday about my uneventful schedule today was full swing. So maybe that is the last time I should complain about being a grandma. It is now 4:03 p.m. and not one single nap today, what I am going to do with myself. Poor Ben I will be in bed by 7 p.m. for sure. Anyhow, today I babsit for let's see 9 nine kids yes all the same family. Their mother had to go to a meeting and their dad is a soldier in Iraq so from time to time I hang out with the kids so their mother asked if I would mind coming over free of charge to watch them. Which I gladly agreed. The morning went smoothly a few of them got up, ate, got dressed, and cleaned their rooms. Then by ten all nine of them were up that is when the real fun began. "With someone yelling hey give me the hangman game no me.." Me thinking I was the perfect babysitter, Ibegan to think twice. I ended up sending one of the kids to their room which accompanied loud wailing and screaming which I ignored. Then it was time to have them play outside. Which is fine except trying to watch eight of them on bikes and cars and neighbors wore me out. Plus holding a nine and feeding a nine month old, I began to strongly reconsider the birth control option. Don't get me wrong I love big families I came from one of them , but bless soul of the mother who cares for all of them. I began to understand how my mother must have felt, which my mother would snicker in the bliss of her daughter finally understanding. Well then lunched came and the challenge of preparing lunch for all of them began a full cyle restaraunt. Koolaid in one area, hamburger cooking, chips being handed out, cheese being grated. Then the sound you dread to hear oh no I dropped the kool aid as the red streak flows on the kitchen floor. Clean up the mess, then come to realize the meat is burning. Take the meat off the stove just in time to realize the girl who was grating the cheese is no longer to be found and you are left finishing the job. So you finally sit down count the kids and realize two boys are missing. Well when they are found with a frog outside the door in their hand. You wait while they wash up for the second time. Come in and then look at the empty jug of kool aid and don't even decide to ask what happened to that and just begin to make another picture. The little girl with a bright red mustache preceeds to respond I did not drink all the kool aid. I say okay let's just pray. Pray they eat then beg to go swimming. They swim for a couple of hours while trying to save a few from permanent head injury or drowning. Then you glance over to the side of the pool and the one child you have dismissed from the pool now has himself hanging from the clothesline. Then the glorious person who you are now referring to as a saint walks in the door and you are relieved, you just smile nad realize, "I'm free well until next time." Below are a few pictures of the angelic mini angels.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Daily Schedule

6:30 Wake up make breakfast
7:00- eat breakfast
7:30- 10:00 go back to bed and sleep some more
10:00 get up and take shower and get ready
11:00 clean house
12:00 watch noon news
12:30 watch Andy Griffith
1:00 work on missionary support raising stuff
2:00 nap or run errands
3:00-4:00 nap
4:00 make dinner
5: 00 eat dinner with Ben

WOW ! I am a grandma! I could not think of anything clever or funny or even remotely interesting to write today and now I understand why.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


So today at church they were talking to the children's church about self-control and how using Psalms 25:28 as their basis. I thought it was ironic that all the while they were discussing this their were kids who were hitting each other, talking, and one who was even shooting a fake gun. I just laughed at how ironic this was. So here are the pregnancy pictures.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I will post a picture of me pregnant just as soon as we download our program for our new camera. See the predicament all happened when Ben my husband went to Nicaragua a few weeks ago. Eager to get a picture with a Nica he handed his camera over to another man to take a picture of them together. Well in the process of handing the camera over, the man saw a friend and excitedly went to hug him, as his arm embraced the man, the camera went flying out of his hand and hit the ground. So ended our first camera's life, when we tried the warrantee they told it was only for damaged parts not accidents. So after my husband enragedcalled them and informed the man Indain customer service man , "this is the last time we ever buy a Kodak program so there!!!" We resorted to buying a new camera.To me mentioning to the guy we won't support Kodak is like telling a gas station you won't buy gas anymore, they have other customers and your two cents will not matter, but not to my husband. Oh well, so long story short hopefully by next week we will have the camera fully up and going. As for now Happy Fourth of July!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


So Eden would be proud of me two blogs in one day although I haven't got much else accomplished. Well I have an interesting predicament. I am five months pregnant but no one can seem to notice that ( well except family and friends.) I realized this today as I went to get my hair cut the salon lady was chatting on like usual. Which always makes me feel akward because she tries to find a topic I will share with her about but I am just a private person around strangers. So after she asked me if I was tired which was her polite way of saying wow you don't talk at all. I said no I am just pregnant and that makes me a little tired. She then said wow you are. Like the watermelon shaped petruding belly couldn't signal that too. So then I went to Wal-Mart and bought a scrapbook for our new son so I could document the new sonogram pictures and the cashier said someone having a baby and I said yes, ME! She then came around the corner and said oh I couldn't tell at all. I was wondering when I left the store why no one can tell I am pregnant when I have every stretch mark and lack of clothing to prove it. The two women walked past me their bellies slumped over and hanging over their pants. Then it dawned on me because most people don't want to assume I am pregant if I am just obese. Although skinny legs, skinny torso, large belly would help to solve that. Oh well.


My friend Eden wanted me to start this blog so while she was in Peru she could read about my incredibly interesting life. Ha! Ha! So anyhow, let's see last Friday my husband and I found that we are going to a little boy. The doctor gave a movie of the sonogram. For a silent movie with little action it deserved a two thumbs up. The funny part of the movie was at the end when our little son was picking his nose. A sign that he will be just like his daddy. I just hope that our little boy does not turn out to be our little girl because my husband has been talking to my stomache and makiong commments such as, "I love you baby boy," or "Hey son this is your daddy." If we do have a little girl I am sure she would have a mixed complex for sure. Well that is about I can think of for now.