Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So I am procastinating today because I have a lack of energy with the baby on the way in a few weeks. We had another doctor appointment on Monday and they informed that the baby is breech. The doctor said not to worry since they can turn them. My response was, " or you can." He said, "or you can what?" That is it we can turn them most of the time. Later that evening I called my mom who is a nurse practiciner and asked her what turning meant. She just laughed and said another word for pain. Ben then commented that I really wanted a C- Sectoin and this may be that undisquised blessing. So we will see what happens. This past weekend Ben and I had our first staycation. We sent Jonas to grandma and granndpa's and headed down to AR for Crawdad Days. The festival was full of crawdads , booths, and boat races. We really did not get to see that much since I would walk about 100 feet then plead for a bench to sit on for the next 10 minutes. Thankfully for Ben's sake they had a Crawdad shuttle which saved us from walking a few miles.

Schedule from Crawdad Days

9am-6pm Canoe Rides – Climbing Wall
9:15am Crawdad Crawl Soccer Complex
9:30am Kiwanis Fishing Derby
10am Tennis Tournament Entry Form
11am Horseshoe Tournament Entry Form
11am Skateboard Competition
12pm Burn-Out Competition at Jr High Track
2pm Rubber Duck Race
3pm Boat Race Entry Form - Rules and Regulations
5pm Crawdad Eating Contest

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I prefer older kids

I only have five more weeks till my next bundle of joy comes. This brings me happiness and a tinge of sadness at the same time. I am happy to have a sibling for Jonas but starting the infant stage all over again is not something that I smile about. Some people are shocked when I say this but I really don't like babies. Now if they are my own I will endure it but if I could have my kids come at age 4 I would be thrilled. For a long time I thought that I wanted to work in an overseas orphanage, but my husband kindly reminded me there would be lots of babies there, I knew teaching is where I am really called.
Anyhow, hopefully soon my husband and I will leave for missionary training at MMS and then head overseas. We are excited but waiting on God's timing.