Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jonas' Birthday

Today we are celebrating Jonas' first birthday although his birthday is not till next Wednesday. Ben's family and my family are coming to celebrate. It is hard to believe a year has passed and I am yet pregnant again. I never understood how much your life can change just by having a kid.

A list of things that have changed for me:

1. Not teaching

2. Learning to be selfless

3. Make a lot of homemade food

4. Pride myself on being more frugal

5. Enjoying being in the bathroom by myself (the few times it happens)

6. Having a kid say Ma Ma and give you baby kisses and hugs

7. Meeting a lot of stay at home moms and a secret underground world of motherhood that I never knew existed in Branson

8. Learning to treasure the few silent moments I have with God

Well once again motherhood calls so I must leave the few inner thoughts I am having and enter into reality once again.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Expecting Another

So I found out last Monday that I am expecting another child in June. I knew that I was pregnant for several weeks before that because it seemed that I was irritable and mad about anything Ben did , which is usually not the case. The sweet thing was though after Ben found out that we were going to have another kid he went out and bought me a Wii, totally unlike him because he is very frugal. He had been working extra hours at the airport to save up for a standing tool box on wheels but decided this was more important. It really meant a lot to me but he now spends more time playing the Wii them me. Ha Ha. Anyhow, Ben really wants twins but I would just be happy with a daughter although another son would be fine too.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Right now Jonas is eating a paper cd cover and tearing it apart at my feet, while the little four year old girl takes a nap in the backroom in a Cinderalla dress. Evidently she was playing dress up instead of taking a nap and was caught in the act when she decided to turn on the radio in the backroom and it was on extremely loud. I caught her in panic as she tried to turn it off. I am also homeschooling the little girl with kindergarten material in math and reading. The other day she rememebered what a rhombus was but could not remember a triangle for the life of her. About an hour ago I was in the process of taking a nap and as soon as I laid down I heard a crying noise. I really believe the kid has secret sensors set up in our home that alert him when I am trying to do something for myself instead of him.

Let's change the subject from kids to running. I am running every night to get in shape for a race in November, I have ran since I was twelve and loved it and somedays I feel like a grandma could beat me . But I believe it is the best excuse to leave the house and get alone for awhile from the little one. Look the subject turned back to him even though I was making a point not too. Well he is standing up grabbing at my shirt saying mom so I have to go .

Monday, August 17, 2009


So I finally have time to add something besides photos to my blog. Let's see Jonas is clapping now, he can almost walk, and I am busy saving him from hurting himself. I have been teaching him sign language and he can say food and dirty diaper and bye bye and give me . I am still unsure why I taught him give me at the time I thought it would be good to know what he wanted. Um... mistake. Although I have been realizing that sing language can be used against you as well, like when he knows it is nap time and he tries insisting he has a dirty diaper, when he evidently doesn't since you changed it two minutes before that time. He is also learning to put everything in his mouth today he ate carpet and was gagging, so once again I rescued him. I have even found him eating old kitty litter talk about gross.

I am also busy babysitting another four year old little girl and teaching her kindergarten material. I am involved in Mothers of Preschoolers group, and am in charage of a playgroup for our church, in my "special time. " I am training for a road race in November, learning to crochet, and trying to bake one new thing a week (so far I have made homemade bread and coffee cake.)

Wow two post in one day world record for me.

Some photos of Jonas boy!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another funny story about Jonas. We were at our friends the other night and they have a little girl a month older than Jonas. The little girl had brought her dolly out to play with it. After a little while we were eating and Jonas was playing with toys. I then look over to see Jonas on top of the dolly french kissing her. My friends were laughing hysterically and Ben was saying, "That's my boy!" I was kind of embarrassed and so I said, "Jonas come here," and went to pick him up. When I went to pick him up he would not leave the dolly's mouth alone. After a lot more prying and tears I finally got the dolly away. When I looked at the dolly I realized why he was so enamored with her mouth evidently she had a left over cracker piece in it.

Go to this website to see a video of Jonas

Friday, July 17, 2009

Today I was eating lunch in the kitchen. I had laid Jonas down in the play room right next to the kitchen. After a little while I was not hearing anything from the play room . Which I know from experience that it signals something isn't right. So I went to the play room and Jonas was nowhere in sight. So I began to panick. I ran to the back rooms in the hallway and once I passed the bathroom door I looked in and to my shock Jonas was standing up right next to the toilet holding onto the seat and gumming it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Scary Moment

So yesterday I about panicked because Jonas fell off the couch. I thought for sure something was going to be wrong with him and it did not help when I called my mom who is a nurse practioner and she gave me all the symptoms of having a brain injury such as sleeping more, dialation in the eyes, high pitch screaming, ect. I monitored closely all day yesterday, thankfully nothing was wrong with him. I guess I am just a little protective. Anyhow here is a funny picture of Jonas. By the way this is taking me forever to type because Jonas is trying to type it to.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Job Change

So yesterday was my last day of teaching. I am now an official stay at home mom. It was bittersweet. I will miss many thing of teaching but there are a lot of things that I would miss if I stayed at home. I just hope that I can keep myself busy so that I don't go bonkers being at home all the time. We will see how I do I have a year to try it out!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jonas is growing big and strong. Today we took him to the doctor and they said he weighed 13.5 pounds and that he was 24.5 inches. He has been giggling and smiling and starting to sit up with support and trying to do it more independently . He is babbling a lot and sleeping through the night, which we are glad for. Please pray for us as we decide what to do next year whether it be stay at home or work.

Friday, January 30, 2009


So I realized I have not posted on here for awhile, mainly because I have been extremely busy. With having a ten week old and trying to work full time it keeps me plenty busy. Jonas is doing great and growing so big. It is neat to see all the new things he is learning to do. Although, today he is fussy because he got his vaccinations yesterday, I still love being a mom. It is funny how Ben and I value the few precious moments we have together and the giant triumph of him sleeping through the night finally.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


so this has been an exciting couple of months for us. First we had a baby and then we moved from our apartment into a house. The house is really nice and I will get around to posting pictures later on. Well I have to go take care of Jonas for now because he is crying.