Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Working another blog`

So my husband insisted that we another blog for missions and the kiddos,that family and friends could read.So if you want to double up on your reading about our life here is the other ... a lot of posts on this link are written by my husband and he has a corky sense of humor, so enjoy ! :) I will post again soon, lack of time and trying to survive daily life has stolen the writer within me. You think for an ex English teacher... my writing would be better but I know as well as you do every blog is full of grammar erros, lack of humor , and screams boring so unless I am inspired to write I will leave it to sparatic outbursts of inspiration.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Great Pumpkin

I know that a lot of kids around the age of two have a favorite blanky or a stuffed animal they carry with them, I am sure there is a scientific name for this, but what do you call a kid who is attached to a piece of produce.
Last night we went to a churches Halloween fling/ thing. While there the frog, who we will also call Jonas, accepted a little white pumpkin as a default prize at the decorating table. Evidently black scribbles and stickers on a pumpkin don't even cut it in the toddler category. The nice elderly lady said here is your pumpkin as she smirked and sent him on his way.
This is when his pumpkin affection began, he carried it with him at all times through the day, at bath time, potty time, even tried a few bites of it. We were not aware of his real love for it until bedtime when a stuffed animal was traded for his new best friend , the pumpkin.
Now how do we let him know about what happens to produce after awhile?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lucy and Jonas Story

Today Jonas , Lucy , and I spent sometime spring cleaning their rooms . I guess I should call it fall cleaning. Anyhow, while cleaning their rooms Jonas stumbled across an old box of nursing pads. I laughed as he proceeded to stuff them down his shirt then pat his chest to get them in place. As we exited the room for lunch all that was left in the hallway was a trail of nursing pads.

A few weeks ago Lucy turned three months.. She recently learned how to shake a rattle. While shaking the rattle she clumsily bumped herself in the head with the rattle. A loud, "Wah!" could be heard from here to California. (Did you hear it Joanne?) I was busy with Jonas so it would be a few minutes till I could tend to her . During those moments I heard, "thump... wah... thump... wah..." Evidently she needs more practice.

Friday, August 6, 2010

2 month old Lucy Lou

So I had Lucy two months ago on June 2nd but you know how motherhood is I am just now getting around to writing about it. She was 6lbs 4 oz and 19.5 inches long. She was three weeks early due to my second bout of preclampsia. They induced me on a Tuesday morning and she was born Thursday morning, it was horrible after realizing she wasn't going to come on her own they finally did a c-section. The c-section led to a kindney infection, seizures, and a spinal corn leak. So after nine more days I was finally able to breathe fresh air again and see my little boy. Then I spent six weeks recovering with strict restrictions of carrying no heavy objects and lots of rest. So we thankfully relied upon child labor and hired to ten year old girls from our church to help me out for those six weeks. Even ten year old help is not cheap these days . It was funny to see how the girls had no clue how much things cost because after we gave them quite a large amount of money when asked, " What do you plan to do with it?" One girl replied, I would like to go see a movie and then said, " Do you think I have enough ?" I then said, " Well you could watch 28 movies at the theatres and still have enough." She said, " Oh I think I might go to McDonalds too." :)

Well things are busy around here and I never knew how time consuming two kids are compared to one. A little funny story to end the post. Yesterday I took Lucy to her two month check up and since I have two kids to tote around, I put Lucy in her carrier in the stroller and hold Jonas' hand. Well we were cruising through the parking lot when Jonas let go of my hand was headed straight for a moving car. I let go of the stroller and let my cat like reflexes chase after him. After I grabbbed him I looked back to see Lucy rolling down the parking lot in the stroller toward four lanes of traffic. I immediately put Jonas in a football hold and took off after Lucy who was moving quite fast for a two month old. I grabbed her in time and then began to pant back up the hill toward the hosptial. I then thought I really need to start running again, that will have to wait till I stop breastfeeeding :(

Well as I type here Jonas has taken the vent cover off the floor and is throwing something in it. Idle hands are for the devil I suppose.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So I am procastinating today because I have a lack of energy with the baby on the way in a few weeks. We had another doctor appointment on Monday and they informed that the baby is breech. The doctor said not to worry since they can turn them. My response was, " or you can." He said, "or you can what?" That is it we can turn them most of the time. Later that evening I called my mom who is a nurse practiciner and asked her what turning meant. She just laughed and said another word for pain. Ben then commented that I really wanted a C- Sectoin and this may be that undisquised blessing. So we will see what happens. This past weekend Ben and I had our first staycation. We sent Jonas to grandma and granndpa's and headed down to AR for Crawdad Days. The festival was full of crawdads , booths, and boat races. We really did not get to see that much since I would walk about 100 feet then plead for a bench to sit on for the next 10 minutes. Thankfully for Ben's sake they had a Crawdad shuttle which saved us from walking a few miles.

Schedule from Crawdad Days

9am-6pm Canoe Rides – Climbing Wall
9:15am Crawdad Crawl Soccer Complex
9:30am Kiwanis Fishing Derby
10am Tennis Tournament Entry Form
11am Horseshoe Tournament Entry Form
11am Skateboard Competition
12pm Burn-Out Competition at Jr High Track
2pm Rubber Duck Race
3pm Boat Race Entry Form - Rules and Regulations
5pm Crawdad Eating Contest

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I prefer older kids

I only have five more weeks till my next bundle of joy comes. This brings me happiness and a tinge of sadness at the same time. I am happy to have a sibling for Jonas but starting the infant stage all over again is not something that I smile about. Some people are shocked when I say this but I really don't like babies. Now if they are my own I will endure it but if I could have my kids come at age 4 I would be thrilled. For a long time I thought that I wanted to work in an overseas orphanage, but my husband kindly reminded me there would be lots of babies there, I knew teaching is where I am really called.
Anyhow, hopefully soon my husband and I will leave for missionary training at MMS and then head overseas. We are excited but waiting on God's timing.

Friday, April 9, 2010


So my pregnancy is going smoothly I only have ten more weeks to go. This pregnancy has been a lot easier then with Jonas and so I am grateful .
We are currently raising support and have 2/3 what we need to be able to start training. We are hoping we can move in July but we will see.
We met with an AIM ( Africa Inland Mission ) representative and are leading strongly in that direction after completing MMS.
Jonas is now 1 1/2 years old and is constantly on the go . He loves being outside every chance he gets and we spend frequent hours during the week at the park.
I am still trying to set up the new babies room, I kind of lost motivation so I am trying to find it again.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


So I know that everyone may not want to hear this story but here goes:
Last night I was giving Jonas a bath in the bathtub and sinceI like to soak up the hot water because it makes my back feel better while I am pregnant I climbed in with him. About half way through the bath I smelled something stinky but thought to myself I didn't see any bubbles come from him. So anyhow I proceeded with the bath teaching Jonas how to scrub his body with a sponge while he practiced scrubbing mine. He spent more time hiding the sponge in his crouch then he did wanting to try. Anyhow about five minutes pass of me trying to show him and him practicing when I notice something brown float by. It is then that I immediately pick him up from his safety chair and notice what I had been dreading he had a bowel movement in the bathtub, immediately after lifting him up it all starts to float closer to me . I yell for Ben who is on the phone with someone he comes in upset that I am yelling for while he is on the phone until I tell him about the predicament which he then proceeds to laugh. Unfortunately I was given the task of cleaning it all up while Ben put Jonas down for bed.
This situation wouold have upset me a lot more but since Jonas I have learned to a laugh at this and just think why me?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

So I am trying to redesign my blog but I am getting tired of being on the computer so I am going to quit for now. I will try to post a blog and fix the current problems as soon as I have a chance.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Blizzard ?

It has been snowing here since 6 am this morning and it is the heavy falling snow. The meteorologist said that we could get up to 7-10 inches of snow, that would be interesting. Anyhow, I finally got around to changing my blog today I have been wanting to for awhile but could never find the time. It was a bit more complicated than I thought but since I am familiar a little with HTML it went okay. I am still babysitting the four year old little girl and staying at home with Jonas, it is days like today I wish I was still teaching to get a snow day and not have to work. When is the snow day for a stay at home mom? I am also about 20 weeks pregnant and I am still awaiting to feel the baby kick, evidently I have an anterior placenta so they said feeling the baby kick may take longer than expected.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

So as I sit hear typing I am anxiously awaiting Ben to come back from KS, he had to be in a friends wedding. Since Jonas can't sit still for longer than five minutes and I get car sick because of pregnancy we opted out this trip. It was not an easy choice, go to a wedding or stay at home all weekend and take care of an one year old. Although I think that Jonas and I are better for it I still feel alone and can't wait for him to return. Anyhow, the newest news is that Jonas can walk now, he just started one day trying and in an hours time he was almost running. I was so impressed but I have to admit it has led to more work for me. Other than can't think of much else.