Thursday, August 28, 2008

Root Canal Misery

So I finally went and got my root canal done only to be told I actually needed two instead of one. The second one hurt a lot worse then the first but thankfully today my gums are only a little sore from it all. My legs are tired from teaching all day though. I can't wait till November and staying home for a little while after the baby is born.

The picture to the side is a picture Ben took while we were flying the rest of the pictures are just random pictures we have taken.

Good news:

Ben was always too cheap to let us buy cable for our TV but because our TV is really old we had to buy a digital converter box and now instead of getting two fuzzy channels we actually are able to get 10 crystal clear channels. A small visctory for me and I told Ben it was like staying at a hotel with free cable. I was very excited about the improvement.


Unknown said...

Caroline = cutest pregnant mother ever

tsbjf said...

You are a cute pregnant mommy! Root canals, that just doesn't even sound good. Glad you got through them though.

Jenny said...

Those are cute pictures! The root canals must have been awful!