Friday, July 17, 2009

Today I was eating lunch in the kitchen. I had laid Jonas down in the play room right next to the kitchen. After a little while I was not hearing anything from the play room . Which I know from experience that it signals something isn't right. So I went to the play room and Jonas was nowhere in sight. So I began to panick. I ran to the back rooms in the hallway and once I passed the bathroom door I looked in and to my shock Jonas was standing up right next to the toilet holding onto the seat and gumming it.


Unknown said...

Haha - absolutely gross.

My mom left about a week ago but was here for 3.5 weeks.

I hear you were at family camp! Thinking about it makes me get all reminiscent. How was it?

tsbjf said...

Kids manage to get where they want, don't they! Sneaky!