Sunday, October 25, 2009

Expecting Another

So I found out last Monday that I am expecting another child in June. I knew that I was pregnant for several weeks before that because it seemed that I was irritable and mad about anything Ben did , which is usually not the case. The sweet thing was though after Ben found out that we were going to have another kid he went out and bought me a Wii, totally unlike him because he is very frugal. He had been working extra hours at the airport to save up for a standing tool box on wheels but decided this was more important. It really meant a lot to me but he now spends more time playing the Wii them me. Ha Ha. Anyhow, Ben really wants twins but I would just be happy with a daughter although another son would be fine too.


MagenRanae said...

Congrats, Caroline! :)

tsbjf said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very exciting news :) . Glad you're enjoying the Wii! We're thinking about getting one; do you have any favorite games that you'd recommend?

Unknown said...

Congrats! What wonderful news!