Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jonas' Birthday

Today we are celebrating Jonas' first birthday although his birthday is not till next Wednesday. Ben's family and my family are coming to celebrate. It is hard to believe a year has passed and I am yet pregnant again. I never understood how much your life can change just by having a kid.

A list of things that have changed for me:

1. Not teaching

2. Learning to be selfless

3. Make a lot of homemade food

4. Pride myself on being more frugal

5. Enjoying being in the bathroom by myself (the few times it happens)

6. Having a kid say Ma Ma and give you baby kisses and hugs

7. Meeting a lot of stay at home moms and a secret underground world of motherhood that I never knew existed in Branson

8. Learning to treasure the few silent moments I have with God

Well once again motherhood calls so I must leave the few inner thoughts I am having and enter into reality once again.


Unknown said...

I didn't know it was possible for you to be MORE frugal!

Aww. I am so excited that you are in this stage in your life and congrats on the new one coming by the way!

tsbjf said...

"secret underground world of motherhood"

Love it!