Wednesday, July 2, 2008


So Eden would be proud of me two blogs in one day although I haven't got much else accomplished. Well I have an interesting predicament. I am five months pregnant but no one can seem to notice that ( well except family and friends.) I realized this today as I went to get my hair cut the salon lady was chatting on like usual. Which always makes me feel akward because she tries to find a topic I will share with her about but I am just a private person around strangers. So after she asked me if I was tired which was her polite way of saying wow you don't talk at all. I said no I am just pregnant and that makes me a little tired. She then said wow you are. Like the watermelon shaped petruding belly couldn't signal that too. So then I went to Wal-Mart and bought a scrapbook for our new son so I could document the new sonogram pictures and the cashier said someone having a baby and I said yes, ME! She then came around the corner and said oh I couldn't tell at all. I was wondering when I left the store why no one can tell I am pregnant when I have every stretch mark and lack of clothing to prove it. The two women walked past me their bellies slumped over and hanging over their pants. Then it dawned on me because most people don't want to assume I am pregant if I am just obese. Although skinny legs, skinny torso, large belly would help to solve that. Oh well.


Jenny said...

Wow! That's funny! I remember with Alex it took people a while to tell I was pregnant. This time around I'm only fifteen weeks and everyone can tell I'm pregnant. I'm sure within another month no one will be able to miss the belly! haha!

tsbjf said...

It took everyone awhile to notice when I was pregnant with my first too. Now, such is not the case! It's a good problem, enjoy while you can. Because it is SO annoying when someone does ask you if you're pregnant when you're not. You should post a pic of the baby belly!

DP said...

Yeah, do what Joanne said-- we want to see your watermelon baby belly.
Yum. Watermelon...