Friday, July 18, 2008


So yesterday I received a letter in the mail it simply said school will be starting on August 7th. I began to panic, it seems that every year school starts earlier and earlier. Anyhow, I began to become stressed thinking of all the things we have left to do. I still want to get the baby room ready before school starts, go to my sisters and pick up the baby furniture, organize my classroom, and finish lesson plans, plus finish my Masters Course I am taking this summer. With all these things swarming through my head and pregnancy I about had a nervous break down. Ben was nice about it and said, "Not to worry that he would help as much as he could." Ben and I had orignially planned to go camp next week to help out. I would love to do that but worry that maybe that is not wise right now with all the other things we have left to do. Well I still have one more day to decide, nothing like putting off a decision till the last minute. So I guess those are the things that are happening for me.


Jenny said...

Wow! Lots of stuff to keep you nice and busy! haha! I always have a million projects going on at once!

Unknown said...

That's when school starts for me! No worries because we're in this together.

tsbjf said...

Wow, that's a lot to get done!

Unknown said...

Hey started reading your blog. Keep posting. And dont worry I promise not to talk about hotdogs again. I promise.